What is a Village-relais?

A Village-relais is a municipality of fewer than 10 000 inhabitants accredited by the ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable and located along recongnized provincial highways and tourism routes. 

A village-relais is a municipality recognized by the ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable that offers, in cooperation with the local businesses, a variety of services and a pleasant and safe place to stop. In addition to services, the villages-relais offer travellers cultural and natural attractions, quality amenities and an environment that suits them, making visitors want to extend their stay.

Villages-relais were implemented with four main objectives in mind:

  • Increase the safety of road users by offering facilities where they can stop at all times
  • Offer a wide range of services and a hospitable environment
  • Encourage physical improvements of the premises and of the buildings and promote their tourist value
  • Support local and regional development

It is also a network of...

  • Cities and villages authenticated by a quality label awarded to the Government of Quebec, a safe value for travellers;
  • Pleasant stopping places, located on the roadside and providing drivers with safe rest areas;
  • Traders and shops committed to offering quality services to road users.

Sylvain Tremblay, mayor of Saint-Siméon, explain what is a Village-relais (Video in french).